How to choose a topic for content writing (9 Test & Tried Ways) 

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Producing “random” content for your website without thinking about the best topic of content writing that doesn’t align with your website’s goal won’t get you anywhere. In this post, you’ll learn how to choose a topic for content writing that is relevant to your audience and your business goal.

Although finding the right content writing topic can sometimes take a little more time, especially for newbies, you can do it easily by doing a little research if you could make research of your hobby.

Understanding your audience’s interests and needs is essential for choosing topics that will resonate well. To find a good topic, you need to know what your target audience is looking for and how they talk about it. Luckily, there are tools like Google Trends and Google Search Console that provide insights into user behavior and trends.

Don’t worry if you don’t know “how to research a perfect blog topic” and also do have not too much knowledge about how to use these tools.

In this article, we’ll show you nine ways to choose a good content writing topic that is closely related to your subject AREA topic. Once you have found the topics that are most likely to attract readers, you can start researching and writing about them.

so, without further ado, let’s start with what is content topic actually?

What is a content topic?

A content topic is the central idea of a piece of content, such as a blog post, video, or podcast. It’s what the readers or viewers on your site want to know about. The topic of your content should be closely related to the topic of your website and the interests and needs of your target audience.

For example, if your website is about baking cakes, your blog content should focus on baking cakes and not on making shoes.

You can consider the different types of content you want to create and the format of the content (video, audio, written, visual, topic clusters, etc.),

What are the 4 pillars of content creation?

Content creation is a valuable asset for any business. It can help build brand awareness and generate customer leads, but if it’s not done right, all the time and effort you put into content creation will be for nothing.

That’s why you should always keep the “four key pillars of content writing” in mind when creating content on your website.

this will help you to create high-quality content that will appeal to your target audience, add value, and rank well in search engines;

Originality: You should always create content that is original, unique, and written in your own words, i.e. it should be free from plagiarism. If you don’t, it can lead to serious legal consequences.

Relevance: Make sure your content is relevant to your target audience. If your content isn’t relevant to them, they’re unlikely to read or engage with it.

Engagement: Write engaging content that engages your readers and calls them to action. Include calls to action, images, and stories to engage and keep your readers interested.

Relevancy: Make sure your content is up-to-date and contains the latest information and news. Outdated content can affect your credibility and search engine rankings.

9 REALISTIC Ways to choose a content writing topic for Content marketing strategy

Finding the right topics for your content can be difficult, but it doesn’t have to be. If you follow a few simple steps, you can easily find topics that your readers love and add value to your website. Here are nine tips to help you find good topics.

1. The topic that is relevant to your blog niche

The first step in choosing a topic is “a topic that fits your blog niche”. You shouldn’t choose a topic that is just to fill the content editor and has no connection to the core theme of your blog.

let’s say you choose a topic that aligns with “digital marketing” and your blog niche is “music“, then you can assume that there is no connection between the two, but that you choose the article topic only because of high demand.

This is a mistake that many content creators make and can be detrimental to the success of their blog. Instead, content writers should focus on creating topics that are relevant to the niche they’re writing in.

For example, a music blog should focus on content topics such as the music industry, music trends, popular musicians, etc. This helps to create great content that is tailored to the readers of the blog and speaks to them on a deeper level.

so overall, your chosen specific topic should be blog-worthy and have a deep connection to your blog’s core or broad topic (niche).

2. the topic that is helpful for your target audience

When you choose a topic that is helpful to your target audience, you write content around your chosen topic that solves your audience’s problem. And they get all the information they came to your article for.

The most important thing, however, is that you choose a unique and interesting topic that will make your audience want to engage with your article.

you should also make sure that the topic you choose isn’t only interesting, but also well structured.

Choose a good headline that succinctly summarises the topic of your article. This should be followed by an introduction that draws the reader in and gives a brief overview of what you’re going to talk about.

Each section should be structured with a clearly defined point and conclusion. Make your article easy to read and understand by dividing it into smaller, manageable sections and using bullet points and lists wherever appropriate.

3. Make sure your topic aligns with Searcher’s Intent

It’s very important that you make sure that the content you write about your chosen topic idea matches the intent of the searcher, i.e. if you don’t align your post to the search intent, There’s no point in writing an article a 1000-word article or something a huge Words article, 3000 to 5000-word article.

What is the intent?

The intent is something the user thinks about before they search, or you can say that there is the intent behind the user’s search query whenever they type on the web.

Get it right and you’ve won half the race.

For this, you can look at, at least 5 SERPs results where you can see what kind of results are displayed for your selected topic. As a blog post (guide, list, etc.), Or as a video?

Whatever it’s, if you can do that, you’ll definitely see the user’s intent, because whatever page is in Google search results in the top 5 (most of the time) means it has the right intent.

I hope you get what I’m trying to say?

4. Topic Makes Sense to Search Engines like Google and Bing

Search engines crawl your content and try to understand its meaning and relevance. So make sure your topic makes sense to search engines like Google or Bing.

5. The evergreen topic that is popular in your industries and is performing well

Choose an evergreen topic that is popular in your industry and performs well. This type of topic should have long-term impact and value. Also, try to create content with a topical perspective to ensure it remains relevant over time.

6. A competitive topic with good SEO potential has high volume and low difficulty

Choose a competitive topic that has good SEO potential and high volume. Also, make sure that the competition in this topic is low so that you can rank your content easily.

you can use long-tail keywords for this. Are you confused about

“What are long-tail keywords?”

don’t worry, we’ll tell you!

Longtail keywords are keywords or phrases that contain more than two words. Usually, they contain three to four words or sometimes even more, but these types of keywords are very specific and bring a profound intent to any type of search query.

The best thing about these types of keywords is that they’re usually less competitive, which gives you a greater chance of ranking high quickly if you write masterpiece content compared to your competitors which should be optimized as well.

you can use some tools to find long tail keywords like answer the public keyword finding tool that normally will show you the best keyword phrases around your selective topic in the form of questions format, and some other type.

for instance ;

  • What is content writing?
  • Best topic for content writing.
  • Top tools for content writing.
  • How to start content writing?

you can Leverage some Search Volume Data tools;

  • UberSuggest
  • SEMrush 
  • Ahrefs 

These types of SEO tools are especially for using deep keyword research around your topic. the tools provide you in-depth analysis of any topic or keyword, and you can get the knowledge of volume data, competitiveness, traffic potential, etc. which will you help to find a good SEO potential topic that has also a higher volume and is less competitive.

7. Choose topics that you’re passionate about and under your ISE! 

Choose topics that you’re passionate about and that are under your ISE (Interest, Skill, and Expertise).

Interest: Choose the topics that interest you and in which you have enough knowledge and experience.

Skills: Choose topics that require your skills to write good content. This can be something related to SEO, web development, or other technical skills.

Expertise: Choose topics based on your expertise. If you have an area of expertise, choose topics that are related to it. This way you can ensure that your content is of the highest quality.

This way you can ensure that you create content with the right content format that’ll be interesting and engaging for readers and also provides them with valuable information.

8. Leverage previously written articles to help you choose alternative keywords

You can search for words or phrases in the article that you can use as keywords in your next article. This will help you find the best keyword for your article and create compelling content that is SEO-friendly.

It also helps you to identify possible strategies that you may have overlooked in your initial research. It’ll also help you to go deeper into the topics and come up with new and innovative ideas.

9. Choose a topic that aligns with Your Goals

When choosing the topic for your next blog article, always look for your business GOAL. This is a very important step because everyone has different goals.

This can be;

  • Do you just want to attract links?
  • You want to draw attention to considerations? 
  • Maybe you want to increase customer success and lifetime value?

Without knowing your goal, you may choose any topic that doesn’t align with your business goal.

So before you start researching and writing your content, you should always make sure that your chosen topic aligns with your goals.

This will ensure that your content is relevant to your target audience. What relevant resources can you offer users that will help you achieve the results you want, of course, it also helps you that your content reflects the values, mission, and purpose of your business or organization.

You should know the basics of content creation after you have chosen a topic

What should YOUR process of writing be? after choosing a topic for your content;

Avoid common ideas – When writing content, try to avoid common ideas and topics that have already been written about. Instead, focus on creating unique content that offers new perspectives and ideas.

Make sure you don’t go off-topic – When writing content, make sure you don’t go off-topic. Keep your content relevant and focus on the topic of your article.

Be natural – Don’t try to sound too professional when you write. Instead, write in a natural and entertaining tone that is easy to understand and relate to.

Write logically and easily scannable – When writing content, make sure it’s easy to read and scan. Try to break your content into smaller paragraphs and use headings, subheadings, and bullet points wherever necessary.

Don’t forget to fact-check – Make sure you check all the content you write for accuracy before hitting the publish button. Try to use reliable sources and check information before you write about it.

Map your content to previously written content – When creating content, make sure you link it to other relevant content, but remember that the links should be relevant and look natural.

FAQs | about how to choose a topic for writing content

Below you’ll find some of the frequently asked questions that users usually have to deal with these days.

What’s the best process to find content ideas?

The best way to find content ideas is to look for topics that are trending in your industry and analyze what your competitors are writing about. You can also use helpful content tools to find such topics, so if you’re asking the question, “How do I find a content topic?”


  • Search your competitors’ blogs.
  • Search your competitors’ YouTube channels.
  • Search for product opportunities.
  • Use the Facebook ad library.
  • Use the Google Image feature.
  • Explore the Topics tool.
  • Buzzsumo.
  • Quora.
  • Reddit.
  • Search for other social sites.
  • Conduct interviews.

What are the best topics for content writing?

The best topics for content writing are the ones that are relevant to the audience and industry and also helpful for linking.

How many blogs do I write per week?

This is entirely up to you. You can find a way that suits your schedule and the needs of your business, but according to many experts, you should write at least 16 blog posts in a month, which means writing four articles in a week.

but again, it depends on you and your skills. The above is just an opinion and not a hard and fast rule, so make sure to be consistent with whatever you make a schedule to write.

What should you look for when choosing your content writing topic? (in short)

  • A searchable topic 
  • Relevant to your audience.
  • Under your niche,
  • The topic should solve readers’ problems.

Final thoughts | about How to choose a topic for content writing 

Choosing a topic for content writing is sometimes easy and sometimes difficult, but it also depends on your skills and experience. If you have experience in your preferred field, you can easily choose a topic, but if you have little experience, it means you’re a novice in the ‘content writing world’. In this case, you’ll be stuck at every stage and confused about “how to choose a topic for content writing”

but now you have known “how to choose a good topic for your writing?”

Here we have given you 9 different ways that will help you choose the right topic that fits well with your audience, is relevant to your niche, and also aligns with your business goal.

if you’re still reading this article, it means you want to be a good content creator. Don’t worry, we’re with you, if you have any questions about this article, don’t forget to ask them in the comment section.

and don’t forget to share your opinion either;

Which way did you like best?

Picture of Amit upadhyay

Amit upadhyay

Amit Upadhyay, who owns, is a full-time blogger and content writer. He has good experience in blogging, SEO, content writing, and Content Strategist to help aspiring bloggers to grow and scale up their blogging business with the right approach to blogging. In his spare time, he is very fond of reading books, especially scientific books. He has a clear motive for making this website, helping millions of persons live a happy, prosperous, and spiritual lifestyle with the help of blogging.

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